# Celiac Disease
**Celiac disease** is an [[autoimmune disorder]] where the body responds to gluten or gluten products.
Uncommon- less than 1%
Puts your body at risk for other malabsorption condition, such as [[vitamin B|folate]] deficiency anemia
## Risk Factors
## Signs & Symptoms
• Diarrhea
• Steatorrhea
• Abdominal pain
• Abdominal distention
• Flatulence
• Weight loss
## Diagnostic Tests
' Blood test to look for Serum [[antibodies|IgA]] to detect antibodies in response to gluten
' Not always, but they can do an [[endoscopy|upper endoscopy]] and do a Endoscopic biopsy
## Treatement
## Nursing Considerations
Nursing Management
' Chronic, non-curable
' Patient education/
dietician consult
' Gluten-free diet for